Bob Katz

Bob Katz is an American audio mastering engineer who is known for his influential textbook Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science. Katz has mastered three GRAMMY® Award-winning albums and one nominated album. He is one of the most respected mastering engineers in the business.
Back then, Katz taught at the Institute of Audio Research in the late seventies. He joined Chesky Records in 1988 and began recording jazz and classical artists there, alongside producing oversampled commercial recordings. In the early nineties, he founded an audio mastering company called Digital Domain Mastering, where he continues to work. Since a few years Katz has a regular blog – Katz’s Corner – on the headphone enthusiast site InnerFidelity.
Through the years, Katz has received high critical acclaim from audiophiles and so did his book on mastering. Some reviewers consider it the definitive work on mastering. He has also invented a proprietary technology called K-Stereo and K-Surround. These processes recover lost or amplify hidden ambience, space and imaging, and generate stereo from mono signals without adding artificial reverberation.
Over the year, we select 10 student mixes that we send to Bob. Then Bob gives his feedback for each student in an interactive Skype session. We are immensely grateful to be able to learn from Bob’s amazing wealth of wisdom and for guest lecturing at Abbey Road Institute Amsterdam.