Mark Derksen

either Mark Derksen is a producer, sound engineer and expert in analog audio equipment. He is the founder of Markant Studios, Mark1 Pro Audio and co-founder of Abbey Road Institute Amsterdam. With more than 30 years of experience, Mark upholds the highest standard in the maintenance, repair and (de-)commissioning of large studio consoles. In particular of SSL, Neve and Studer recorders.
Over the years, Mark has acquired quite a clientele, both as a producer/engineer and an expert in professional audio equipment. Artists with the likes of Bob Weston, Eddie Floyd, Coldplay, Simply Red, The White Stripes, Volumia!, Krezip, and Stevie Ann; and music studios including Miloco, Red Bull Studios, British Grove, Metropolis, Wisseloord Studios, Jim Abbis’s studio, Jett Rebel’s studio, our own studios here at the Amsterdam institute & many more.
Here at Abbey Road Institute Amsterdam, Mark teaches Tape Machines and Recording to Tape.
“When I started, there weren’t many studios, analog technology was in full development. I had built a control room myself. Due to a lack of funds it was either too expensive to have someone come or the knowledge was not there at all. So I eventually started repairing it myself.